What a wild week it has been!  The storms that traversed the south took a heavy toll on some of the houses in our area here in TN and although we were hit relatively hard with lightning, hail, and tornadoes, nothing was quite as bad as the damage in AL.  My heart goes out to those in AL, for even though you will receive the funds and repairs needed for your cities and homes, nothing will replace those lost during the storms.  Hoping a speedy recovery for you all.
Distracted by the title were you?  Well whether you were or not I just wanted to write a "quickie" post on what I have been up to in regards to my writing.  Its been a little over a week since I posted anything on the site and I feel I need to keep up with the blog or lose motivation to write and I do not want that to happen.  I have a lot of time invested into the book to quit now.

Anyway, I have been slacking in my writing this week, but I did sit down a couple times  and set up the final chapters of my book.  these chapters involve so much that they seem like another book within the novel.  There is so much going on in the last few chapters like the final battle, the introduction of new characters, death, and rebirth.  Its exciting, but daunting.  There is so much to it that I have actually found myself adding a couple more chapters, but as many writers will tell you, the book is done when the story is told, and I feel that the story is still growing even though the majority has been written.

Well I guess its back to work now (unfortunately writing will probably never pa the bills) so until next week I bid you all farewell and happy reading/writing!!
I can't help but get excited everytime I update the site.  It's fun to see the progress that has been made from week to week.  It actually makes me feel like I am moving in the right direction.  As usual I have updated all portions of the site, except the excerpt section, but I will probably throw one up within another week.  I have been too busy lately to fine tune a section of the book to post it, but I will be doing this shortly since I have but four chapters left that need to be written.  I feel like I am close to completion, until I realize how much I will have to edit and add as I revise it about twenty times.  Who knew writing was so much work!!

This weeks update is short partly due to the fact that I want to get back to the book, but mainly because its late and my mind is fried.  I just wanted to update a few things since its been over a week.  Enjoy the site and remember to visit often.  Thanks people!!